References can be quite confusing, especially with different mutabilities. Indeed, only a third of people in my poll said that they understand what &mut &[T] means!

Ground rules

In Rust, to change a value you need to have some sort of unique access to it, for example, a &mut T (a unique reference to T). Shared references (&T) on the other hand do not provide unique access on their own.

Since shared references don’t grant unique access, a shared reference to a unique reference &&mut T is equivalent to &&T in terms of mutating the value of type T. So, if you have a shared reference in a type, you can’t mutate anything “after” it.

Slightly easier question: what does &mut &T mean?

So, if a shared reference doesn’t allow you to mutate anything “after” it, &mut &T doesn’t allow you to mutate the value of type T and thus is the same as &&T or &T? The former is true — you can’t mutate T — but the latter is not true. While you can’t mutate the T, you can mutate the reference &T:

let value = 1;
let mut shared: &u32 = &value;

println!("{r:p}: {r} (value = {v})", r = shared, v = value);
// Prints <addr>: 1 (value = 1)

let unique: &mut &u32 = &mut shared;
*unique = &17;

println!("{r:p}: {r} (value = {v})", r = shared, v = value);
// Prints <different addr>: 17 (value = 1)


How is a slice different?

With &mut &[T] you can still change the reference, making it point to another slice. But &[T] is essentially a fat pointer, which means that it’s not only a pointer but also a length of the slice.

Since you can mutate the reference, and the reference stores length as it’s part, you can change it too:

let mut slice: &[u8] = &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
let unique: &mut &[u8] = &mut slice;

// Since we want to hold unique reference, 
// we can only access the slice through it
println!("({r:p}, {len}): {r:?}", r = *unique, len = unique.len());
// Prints (<addr>, 5): [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

// Change only the length
*unique = &unique[..4];
println!("({r:p}, {len}): {r:?}", r = *unique, len = unique.len());
// Prints (<addr>, 4): [0, 1, 2, 3]

// Change both the pointer and the length
*unique = &unique[1..];
println!("({r:p}, {len}): {r:?}", r = *unique, len = unique.len());
// Prints (<addr+1>, 3): [1, 2, 3]

// Change only the pointer
*unique = &[17, 17, 42];
println!("({r:p}, {len}): {r:?}", r = *unique, len = unique.len());
// Prints (<different addr>, 3): [17, 17, 42]


One real-world example of &mut &[T] may be the io::Read implementation for &[u8]:

use std::io::Read;

// We'll be reading *from* this slice
let mut data: &[u8] = &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
// And *into* this
let mut buf = [0; 3];

while let Ok(1..) = Read::read(&mut data, &mut buf) {
    println!("({r:p}, {len}): {r:?}", r = data, len = data.len());
    // This will print:
    // (<addr>, 7): [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    // (<addr+3>, 4): [6, 7, 8, 9]
    // (<addr+6>, 1): [9]
    // (<addr+7>, 0): []   
    // In reality you'd also examine the `buf` contents here


Now you know what &mut &[T] means! I hope that was helpful. Bye.